Can Herbs Like Keladi Tikus Convithera Capsule Prevent Cancer?

Join our ME4A team member, Paveethra Gurusamy, to investigate the science behind claims about Kapsul Convithera: Herba Keladi Tikus Asli and cancer treatment. Let’s explore together by seeking the truth amidst hope and scepticism.

In the world of complex health supplements, we all search for solutions to help ourselves and our loved ones. This desire led me to a medical supplement product found on Facebook called Convithera: Herba Keladi Tikus Asli, advertised as a miraculous remedy for preventing and treating cancer (refer to image 1 and video 1). 

 Screenshot of the Facebook page brand Herba Keladi Tikus

Video showing the post by the page and how it was stated Convithera capsule can help prevent cancer.

Having witnessed cancer’s devastating effects firsthand, I wondered if this could finally be a breakthrough. Excitement battled scepticism ㅡ after all, cancer is a serious disease impacting countless lives. Determined to uncover the truth, I embarked on a fact-finding mission.

Fact-Checking Process

My first step was searching online for “Herba Keladi Tikus”. The brand’s blog post appeared first. While the questions it posed were intriguing (refer to image 2 below), a red flag arose: the blog used “k@nser” instead of the standard “kanser”.

Screenshot from the Kapsul Keladi Tikus top page

Scrolling further, I saw the owner explain cancer’s causes and cite data from the World Health Organization (WHO). Unfortunately, the data lacked links to research papers for further exploration. Finally, the page promoted Convithera as the answer to preventing cancer. This emphasis on a single product without scientific backing fueled my doubts. 

As I scrolled through the blog post, I noticed a promotional shift towards the end. Convithera: Kapsul Herba Keladi Tikus was positioned as the definitive solution for preventing cancer. This strong claim piqued my curiosity, but upon further investigation, I couldn’t find any scientific evidence to support it. There was no mention of independent research directly linked to Convithera and its effectiveness in cancer prevention. 

Regulatory Oversight

Any product claiming therapeutic benefits needs government health agency approval, in this case, the Ministry of Health (MOH). I discovered Convithera was registered under NPRA which provided a sense of clarification. While Keladi Tikus might offer support for cancer patients, there’s no evidence it prevents cancer.

Screenshot from blogpost showing the MoH registration information

Step 1: Click on Product Search after entering the National Pharmaceutical Regulatory Agency (NPRA) homepage.

Step 2: Choose the category of the product and fill in the registration information to verify.

While discovering Convithera’s NPRA registration status provided some initial reassurance, it is important to distinguish between registration and evidence of preventive properties. NPRA registration signifies the product meets safety standards, but doesn’t confirm claims about preventing cancer. Ultimately, there is no scientific evidence to suggest this medical supplement itself can prevent cancer, though it might offer potential support for cancer patients undergoing treatment.

Scientific Evidence vs. Claim

Continuing my research, I learned that Convithera: Kapsul Herba Keladi Tikus, scientifically known as Typhonium flagelliforme is a plant used in traditional medicinePenang State Department of Agriculture stated that this plant can be used to prevent tumours from recurring. My search revealed some early-stage studies exploring that this plant has the potential to prevent tumours, but these findings are far from conclusive. To date, no peer-reviewed or large-scale clinical evidence supports Convithera: Kapsul Herba Keladi Tikus preventing cancer. While the main ingredient shows promise, conclusive proof is lacking. 

As I investigated, I grappled with mixed emotions. The idea of natural medicine preventing tumour recurrence was undeniably hopeful, yet critical thinking prevailed. Good intentions alone shouldn’t lead me to recommend this capsule as a cancer-preventative.



The claim Convithera: Kapsul Herba Keladi Tikus can prevent and treat cancer (untuk mencegah dan merawat kanser) ㅡ is not supported by scientific evidence and it is Inaccurate (Bercampur). It’s important to recognize the misleading nature of Convithera: Kapsul Herba Keladi Tikus marketing.  While this capsule might offer a glimmer of hope for those undergoing treatment, approaching such miraculous cure claims with scepticism and critical thinking is vital. We keep searching for answers, guided by hope but tempered with caution.


Cover image and graphics by Nuur Hafizah Ramdan, story written by Paveethra Gurusamy and edited by Hazwany Jamaluddin.

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